Brand Investigation
Equity check point
How do stakeholders perceive the brand along the supply chain? What is the current brand positioning within the competitive landscape?
Prior to launching a new marketing and communication strategy, our client, a key player in the Curvy fashion industry, needed a clear snapshot of how the stakeholders perceive the brand “as is” positioning and of the elements of the brand identity.
What are the brand values—both tangible and intangible—its symbolic attributes and emotional or affective connotations which define its current "personality structure"? What are the end customers and trade partners perceptions of the top-of-mind brand's key dimensions, that can be leveraged to outline the potential strategic development paths?
developed by the management, the research was conducted using an integrated and multidisciplinary approach.
Firstly, focus groups with customers and interviews with trade partners were conducted to describe the perception of the brand current “personality” and “identity,” revamp its current positioning and identify the desired “to-be”.
Then, the differentiating elements identified were measured and brand equity was validated to pinpoint areas for optimisation and uncover white spaces that could drive the brand development strategies. Finally, after sharing the key insights, a moderated session was held with the management to identify development opportunities and agree to an action plan.
We discovered that the term "Curvy" can be somewhat controversial if not used and defined correctly. It can pose risks and lead to negative perceptions related to stereotypes of the female body, which may not promote "body positivity." In the consumers mind, a curvy woman is robust, not just a “slim woman with curves.”